In this Clairiti Clip, Robert Riggs and Brad Besancon interview Brian Sullivan of the Big Design Conference about how to understand and speak to your company’s target audience.
Brad: Yeah, I mean, he says some real critical things I think in this video where he talks about each of us speak differently right. Your mind kind of drives your thoughts and your speech and how each one of us talk differently, even when we are talking about the same subject, you had it happen, we had it happen in our business discussions where somebody will say, “Well I think we are saying the same thing, you are just saying it in a different way.” He speaks to that but I think another critical piece that he speaks to is when he talks about even with companies you have these kind of silos, which we have talked before in a clarity clip or we talked about the silos of your business. And he talks about how research and development will be talking about a product different than marketing will, will be talking about differently than product development, etc. And how all these different little languages are out there and how we all have to kind of meet a common ground.
Speaker: Yeah, I think that one of the most interesting things when it comes to language, a lot of the companies that are embracing design thinking, they are doing that so they can share a common language. People just talk different so for example a product developer will talk different than a designer and they will talk different than a marketing person. All of those people are then speaking to an audience or to a customer, so having that shared experience, that common language kind of creates that first shared understanding and again…
Robert: So now Brian has talked about the importance of listening and wants all of the parts of your organization, you break down the silos and they are all speaking the same language, now it is about how do you talk to your customers.
Brad: Yeah and he is fixing to talk about another key piece, you know it is in our slogan right. Listen, think, speak for clarity, that is our little marketing piece and that is basically what he is going to say here in the next piece which is you have to listen first to your customer base and your audience, take it back, think about it and then create that common language that you can all move forward with when you are talking with your customer.
Brian: The first step to creating anything interesting or creative is to have empathy, is to listen to figure out what are those things that your customers are saying, taking that back and using a common language that will create the solutions for them so that everybody is all on the same page, they are using the same language, solving the right problem and using similar tools in order to do it.
Robert: So wrapping up what Brian has to say here is really what we talk about and we call audience speak, which is listen, think, speak so Brad is going to walk you through those steps.
Brad: Yeah what the critical piece here, the take home message that we always like to talk about in our clarity clips are, audience speak is knowing the language of your audience and being sure that you are speaking that language. You are not going to make connections, whether it is social media, a TV advertisement, a billboard, whatever your marketing piece is, whether it is online or not, you have to know the language of your audience, which is what Brian was saying is, create the common language but don’t you figure out what that language is. The marketing, you know our little slogan is your marketing for a particular product should come from your audience…
Robert: Yes, not your marketing department.
Brad: …not the marketing department. So listen first, that is the critical piece, what are they wanting, what are they needing, what is that touch point that you can hit them at. So once you figure that kind of listening part out, then you have to develop a plan, think about right and then you have to go out and actually speak it. That is the listen, think, speak that we preach so much here at clarity and what we always encourage our clients to do, it is about them, not you.
Robert: So Brian’s Big Design Conference is coming up this fall here in Dallas and we certainly encourage you to attend it, there are great speakers there and here is Brian’s contact info and that wraps this week’s Clarity Digital Marketing clip.
Brad: Have a good one guys.