Video Transcription
Robert: Hi. I’m Robert Riggs and this is Brad Besancon back for a Clairiti minute.
Hi. I’m Robert Riggs and this is Brad Besancon here for a Clairiti clip. OK. Would you go to a social cocktail hour and shove your business card under the nose or into the hand of a perfect stranger?
Brad: No.
Robert: No. Why wouldn’t you? Why don’t you do that?
Brad: It’s just not the right spot and it would be kind of awkward. What’s that all about?
Robert: Uh-huh. OK. But every day we see people do this in social media. Like sell, sell, sell. They’re just rude.
Brad: Yeah, they’re just putting out posts. You know, one of the things that we talk about is it’s social media. Be social. It’s not just about information and events and some of our clients’ research or data or whatever. It’s being social. It’s, “Hey, I’m Brad. What’s your name?” And being – it’s creating conversations.
Robert: Yeah. OK. So Brad, what’s the ROI on that?
Brad: Well, that’s the other piece that people get their feathers ruffled about is, well, I’m not getting any business off of this and I’m spending time or you guys want me to come in here and show me how to do all this stuff and the ROI is the actual interaction and conversation one on one that you can have with your audience. In no other place can you do that. You can’t do it on a website blog. You’re just putting out information.
Robert: I’m out of television. You sure can’t do it on TV.
Brad: You can’t do it on TV. You can’t do it in a print ad, can’t do it on a display ad or any of that kind of stuff. But you can have a one-on-one conversation in a message or on a Twitter feed or on a Facebook post or in some fashion, you know, Pinterest, Instagram. You can create these conversations in communities and that’s being social.
Robert: So what’s the value of that? That you’ve got someone you’re having a one-on-one conversation with.
Brad: Absolutely.
Robert: A prospect that you can start bringing through the sales funnel and you can’t really put a number on that and interestingly, people don’t put those numbers on TV spots. It’s about …
Brad: No, and it’s no different than what’s the value of if I come to you and say, “Hey Robert. What doctor do you go see?” Well, I go see Dr. Smith down the road. There’s no value on that either. But because you’re given good quality service at Dr. Smith’s clinic, you feel like hey, I should send Brad there because it’s good. The same thing can happen in social.
You can build that reputation up by having those conversations, by being relevant – oh, I hate that word being relevant because what’s relevant to Robert isn’t relevant to me. But by being social and keying in on what really works with your audience and the audience speak and you’re doing the same thing and you’re doing it with – out there in space.
Robert: ROI, back on that. If you have a website in this day and age with all the changes with the search engine algorithms, you’re referring traffic. The stuff that’s bringing you traffic is social.
Brad: Yes, we hope it is.
Robert: Yeah.
Brad: Right? If you’re doing it the right way, that’s the whole piece that you’re looking for. So when you’re out there looking at social media, don’t forget the first word. Be social.
Robert: That’s the Clairiti clip. Thanks.
Brad: Thanks guys.
Robert: That’s good.